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Wireless Headphone Market Analytics

The wireless headphone market is overgrowing when Apple company publish the new wireless headphone - AirPods. Tim Cook also said, AirPods is the best seller, and it's subverted the market. More and more IT companies such as HUAWEI, MI, Microsoft, Amazon, OPPO, Vivo are planning to publish new products in 2019. In 2018, the sales quantity of all world was 46M, and the amount will be 129M in 2020.

The attention rate of wireless headphone is 51.7%, and the market of China is increasing. In 2015, the Bluetooth headphones took over 39%, but in 2017 the rate is increased to 56%.

The sales of wireless headphone closed to 20M in China. The best choice is the head-mounted headphone and in-ears ones. The GiK think that wireless headphones are more power on voice communication than the general headphones. The additional sensors (Gravity Acceleration Sensor) and the other components into the headphones and extend the experience and functions. The smart headphones break the limit of the speaker when more and more devices support voice communications. Smart headphones have more advantage in the moving situation of On-The-Go. It will be the next tide of smart hardware when long working time with powerful lithium-ion polymer battery. The critical point is the headphones should have more functions without phones.

The attention rate of head-mounted headphone met 44.3%, and the rate of in-ear headphone met 33.2% in 2018. What should we have to focus on is sports earphones.

The market for headphones is snowballing because the production technology is improving. The working time longer and longer supported by the high energy density of lithium-ion polymer battery. LiPol Battery Co., Ltd have provided lots of smaller lithium-ion polymer batteries for the branded headphones. You can check the following batteries.


Best Seller of LiPo Battery for Wireless Headphone


model capacity(mAh) L (mm) W (mm) T (mm) voltage
LP350819 35mAh 19 8 3,5 3.7V
LP360829 60mAh 29 8 3,6 3.7V
LP400926 65mAh 26 9 4,0 3.7V
LP400930 80mAh 30 9 4,0 3.7V
LP401012 30mAh 12 10 4,0 3.7V
LP401030 90mAh 30 10 4,0 3.7V
LP401115 45mAh 15 11 4,0 3.7V
LP401119 60mAh 19 11 4,0 3.7V
LP500930 100mAh 30 9 5.0 3.7V


LiPo Battey by Capacity


10mAh + 500mAh + 1000mAh + 6000mAh +
100mAh + 600mAh + 2000mAh + 7000mAh +
200mAh + 700mAh + 3000mAh + 8000mAh +
300mAh + 800mAh + 4000mAh + 9000mAh +
400mAh + 900mAh + 5000mAh + 10000mAh

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